Showing is a primary focus of Westridge Farms. We believe in offering a first class show experience, but at an affordable price. Our prices include show fees as well as hauling for Regional and National shows.
Class A show $550.00
Regional Show $1,000.00
Scottsdale $2,000.00
Youth Nationals $2,500.00
Canadian Nationals $1,750.00
US Nationals $2,250.00
Fall Festival $750.00
In addition to the show fee's above is the hauling fee of $1.00 per mile.
(Minimum Hauling Rate of $100.00)
Entry fees, tack/groom/special stalls, early arrivals, layovers, box seats, bedding, patronships and any unexpected vet/farrier/medical charges are in addition to our show fees.
We are happy to sit down with you to help you plan and budget appropriately so you can have the best show experience possible. We also accept payment plans.